
Nurturing talent in the energy industry  

As a service-based business in the energy industry, our people, capabilities, and skills allow us to stand out from the crowd. When we work with clients (hello if you're reading), we know the difference between great and poor experience often comes down to relationships with our people, their ingenuity or responsiveness.   

So it won't shock you to learn that we place great emphasis on the support and development of our people and teams.  

People make Petrofac; that has and always will be true.  

But how exactly do we foster a culture of growth and development? We talked to our Aberdeen-based Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Director, Carolyn Milne, and her team about how their home-grown talent is rising through the ranks and helping drive value for Petrofac's customers.  

Left to Right - Steven Burns, Michaela Nicholson, Carolyn Milne, Jennifer Walker, Dawn Leslie

Carolyn, how does the team deliver value to our clients and why is investing in our people so important in O&M? 

"The O&M environment is fast-paced and needs a high degree of responsiveness. That means we need the right people and the right team to help our customers, who often need round the clock support.  

"Understanding those needs is vital. It's perhaps an obvious point but investing in our people is part of that process. If they stick around our customers receive the continuity they want. Do we always get it right – no, like every business we are always learning and evolving, but there is zero doubt in my mind that investment in people is a focus at Petrofac, and that focus continues to grow." 

Taking on a new career move or growing in your current role is often easier said than done. What do you look for in people?  

"Skills and qualifications are essential, but attitude and behaviour are what I look for most. We're lucky to have people who've been with Petrofac for a long time, and they share the same desire to put the customer first." 

You made a series of internal promotions in the first quarter. How did that come about?  

"It's been a difficult couple of years for the industry, but nothing has galvanised me more than supporting people from across the business step up into new roles. In our Aberdeen-based O&M team alone we've made six internal promotions. These are people who were willing to expand their skills and take on more responsibility to serve our customers better." 

While Carolyn has facilitated the team's growth, she says Jennifer Walker, Dawn Leslie, Michaela Nicholson, Steven Burns, Steven Mckay, and Graeme Petrie showed the drive and commitment needed to develop their careers.   

Jennifer joined Petrofac in 2006 in an administrative post. She's progressed through several roles and was recently appointed as the O&M Contract Focal Point for our  Repsol Sinopec contract.   

Jennifer, congratulations on your new role! What has been the most significant career driver at Petrofac?  

"I've been fortunate to have had leaders at Petrofac who have given me the confidence to pursue new roles. It's so important to have a manager who supports and believes in you.  

"But I also believe it starts with us. You have to put yourself out there, get out of your comfort zone and be proactive to find new opportunities. Let's be honest; that's not always easy to do, and opportunities don't come overnight. But I've found if you're willing, the support is there."     

Jennifer's line manager, Steven Burns, also recently moved into a new role as Operations Manager. Steven took on various interim roles to progress in his career before settling into a full-time position with the O&M team where he has led the growth of our Repsol Sinopec contract from five to twelve sites.    

How did you progress from a Proposal Engineer to your position today? And how do you use what you learned to support your team's development?       

"Early in my career, I rolled up my sleeves and got stuck into different tasks and roles. That can come with uncertainty, but it can also be so rewarding. Learning on the job was really important to my development. And now, as a manager, I try to create an environment that gives my team the support needed to learn new skills and work autonomously." 

Jennifer spoke about the impact of management support in her career. What do you look for in people, and why do you put your team's personal development first? 

"I look for team players who are willing to get involved and want to grow. That's why we championed Jennifer and Graeme to move into new positions with more responsibility.  

"By investing time and energy in your people, you improve their skillsets to provide a better client experience, build a higher-performing team and produce the future leaders of Petrofac. Not only that, but it gives you a real sense of achievement to help people take the next step in their lives and career." 

Thank you to our O&M team for sharing their experience at Petrofac.

While we love to share the stories of our people, we also want to give you the chance to start your journey with us today.  

It’s a pivotal moment for the energy industry and we need people like you to help us create a future where we all thrive.  

Over 40 years, we've built upon our strong oil and gas heritage to become a leading services company renowned for world-class projects, the skills and energy of our people, and a distinctive brand founded on local delivery and customer service.

As we enter a new multi-year 'super cycle' in the industry, our aim is to grow from a $4 to a $5billion business with 20% in the new energy sector. That means abundant opportunities for the right people to join us on this exciting journey.  

You can learn more about careers at Petrofac and see our latest energy jobs by  clicking here.