
Pioneering managed solutions 

When low oil prices in the 90s led to a wave of asset sales, major operators divested what they considered to be uneconomic and marginal fields, to nimble new entrants. To stay profitable and safe in a highly regulated basin, these new entrants needed capability. That's where Petrofac came in. We pioneered a new solution, the Duty Holder model – a pioneering approach which is now fully proven. 



operators established



transitions completed



installations globally today

Delivering real OPEX savings 

Our outsourced Duty Holder model has stood the test of time. Clients have achieved OPEX savings of 20-30% through it. 

We continue to evolve the service, and today we have the largest active managed infrastructure portfolio of any services company.  

Petrofac manages: 


Under our Duty Holder (or Installation Operator) model, you retain the license and maintain the relationship with the regulator, while we manage the asset and Safety Case – we support single asset operations and asset clusters, on and offshore, including vessels.


Not all asset owners have the internal expertise required for well exploration, appraisal and development activities, so we act as your trusted partner – as Well Operator we take full responsibility for the monitoring and management of wells.


Combining our specialist pipeline engineering and subsea capabilities with project development experience and proven partnerships, we develop specialist pipeline management solutions.

Assets, wells and pipelines

In 2016 we expanded our model to take responsibility for Pipeline and Well Operations, as Service Operator – by taking a holistic, field-wide approach we can drive additional value.

Handing over control of your UKCS well operations is a significant step for any company, and not one taken lightly. Having worked with Petrofac since 2013, we have confidence in their team’s ability to deliver and manage our wells in line with our safety and environmental policies. This is demonstrated by Petrofac’s integrated service approach, supported by robust business systems and processes, and a highly skilled, competent workforce.
Hurricane Energy

Thinking like an operator 

By integrating our broad service range with our digital capabilities, we have supported clients to achieve OPEX savings of 20-30%. 

Whether you are a new or established operator, if you want to stay lean, drive energy production efficiency, lower operating costs, defer cessation of production or prepare for decommissioning, our Managed Solutions can be tailored to meet your needs.  

We think like you and align our approach with your strategy, delivering performance enhancing results and bottom-line value. 

From purchase to steady state  

If you are exploring an asset purchase, Petrofac can provide early asset diligence and invaluable operational insights to help you avoid surprises down the line. 

Working in partnership with you through the acquisition process, we support safety case development and drive a seamless transition into operations. 

Proven transition expertise  

The transition of infrastructure and people is a core capability for Petrofac.  

To ensure a safe and seamless transfer of operations from existing owners and contractors we apply our transition standard, proven across more than 25 major transitions. 

Engagement with transitioning teams is key to our management of change process. We spend time understanding audience needs, Industrial Relations landscapes and develop communications plans that drive open dialogue, reduce the impact of change on people and ensure audience groups remain focused on safety. 

Petrofac took a personal approach to our transition. We had direct access to onshore management who really did listen to our feedback, meaning we quickly felt like part of the team.
Tim, TUPE transferred to Petrofac 2016

Our asset support services

Talk to us

Ed Jones

Head of Business Development