

Our auditors are Ernst & Young LLP. They have been our auditors since initial listing in 2015. They provide our Audit Committee with reports, information and advice throughout the year. They are also required to review whether or not we comply with the provisions of the UK Corporate Governance Code.

The Audit Committee meets with the auditors without management present to discuss any significant issues, not least the conduct of the audit. In addition, the Audit Committee Chairman has regular contact with the lead audit partner outside of formal committee meetings.

Audit tender

The UK Competition and Markets Authority’s (CMA) Statutory Audit Services Order (Order) states, amongst other matters, that FTSE 350 listed companies should put their external audit contract out to public tender at least every 10 years. Following completion of a public tender in 2016, the Audit Committee recommended the re-appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as the Company’s Statutory Auditor. The next mandatory audit tender will be required by 2024.

Non-audit services

The Company has a non-audit services policy that sets out the circumstances in which we may appoint our external auditors to undertake additional non-audit work. The Non-audit services policy provides clear definitions of services that our external auditors may and may not provide.

The external auditors are automatically prohibited from carrying out work which might impair their objectivity.

Read more about how we work with our external auditors.

Other advisors

Service Company 
Legal Advisor to the Company as to English Law: 

Linklaters LLP

1 Silk Street

London EC2Y 8HQ


Link Market Services (Jersey) Limited

12 Castle Street

St Helier

Jersey JE2 3RT

Executive Remuneration Consultancy

Deloitte LLP

2 New Square Street

London EC4A 3BZ


Goldman Sachs

Peterborough Court

113 Fleet Street

London EC4A 2BB



JP Morgan Cazenove

10 Aldermanbury

London EC2V 7RF

Corporate and Financial PR

Teneo Strategy Limited

5th Floor, 6 More London Place, London, England, SE1 2DA