
Realising achievable carbon capture solutions

We provide guidance across the design stages, from preliminary studies and pre-FEED activities to the delivery of robust FEED packages, providing surety as projects progress. We integrate and manage all elements of the project scope, from onshore pipelines, to landfall, subsea pipelines, through to the design of new or modified offshore facilities including gathering hubs and CO2 injection platforms.

We are technology neutral and bring extensive experience in integrating a variety of carbon capture technologies into facility designs. This allows us to  recommend optimised, sustainable and cost-effective solutions that align with our clients’ decarbonisation objectives.


  • Concept identification and selection
  • Flow assurance
  • Licensor selection
  • Specialist consultancy
  • Plant and infrastructure design
  • FEED
  • Detailed design
  • PMC (project management consultant) and Owner’s Engineer
  • Well engineering
  • EPCm (engineer, procure, construction management)
  • EPC/E&P
  • Operations and maintenance
  • Computerised maintenance management system (CMMS)
  • Modifications
  • Debottlenecking and optimisation

Leading the way for carbon capture at scale


Netherlands – delivering FEED for the Aramis flagship CCS project

In 2024, Petrofac delivered FEED for Aramis, a complex carbon transport and storage system. The project seeks to capture carbon from industrial clusters in the Netherlands, Belgium, and France, before transporting it to permanent storage in depleted offshore gas fields under the North Sea. A multi-faceted project, Petrofac’s Consulting team in Woking, UK, took overall responsibility for the FEED spanning the 32” CO2 trunkline – onshore, landfall and offshore sections together with the offshore CO2 distribution hub platform and CO2 injection platform.  

Netherlands – FEED for carbon storage infrastructure

Petrofac provided the FEED for Neptune Energy’s L10 Operation facilities – an infrastructure development that will eventually connect to the Aramis project. The project seeks to store up to five million tonnes of CO2 annually, captured from industrial emitters in the region. Delivered by Petrofac’s Consulting team in Woking, maximising the synergies between the FEED for the Aramis project.

Find out more: FEED for Neptune Energy's L10CCS carbon storage project

UK – carbon capture for hard-to-abate industries

We’ve been supporting leading building materials supplier, Aggregate Industries UK, in reaching its target of achieving net zero carbon dioxide emissions before 2050. Our work began with the provision of several early engineering scopes, including feasibility and technology selection, to identify opportunities for carbon capture at its dry-process cement plant in Cauldon, Stoke-on-Trent, UK. Captured CO2 will eventually be transported for geological storage as part of the UK’s Peak Cluster development.

Finland – targeting emissions-free energy from waste

In 2023, we delivered concept engineering for Vantaa Energy, an urban energy company seeking to capture and store CO2 from its waste-to-energy plants in Finland. This work involved engaging with multiple storage providers, onshore and offshore, to identify an optimum solution. In 2024 the project progressed further and Petrofac is now providing engineering services to support an environmental impact assessment on the preferred concept.

Find out more: Petrofac supports finnish carbon capture project


Early-stage project support to Stockholm Exergi

We supported Stockholm Exergi on the FEED for a planned CO₂ capture facility at a combined heat and power plant at Värtaverket, Sweden. We integrated Stockholm Exergi’s chosen process design package into the designs, including Capsol Technologies' end-of-pipe capture technology. Our work included a cost estimate and technical documentation for the future engineering, procurement, and construction phases.

Accelerating and de-risking Storegga's low carbon initiatives

As part of our Technical Delivery Alliance with Storegga, Petrofac is providing capabilities, people, processes and systems to accelerate and de-risk the several of the company’s low carbon initiatives – including a proposed Direct Air Capture (DAC) facility, and a major CCUS and hydrogen facility. 


Landmark carbon capture, utilisation and storage project for

Adnoc gas

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Talk to us about CCS

Alex Haynes

Head of Business Development, Energy Transition Projects

Chet Biliyok

Technology Director, Energy Transition Projects