Petrofac News 1700X397
30 November 2011

Petrofac holds inaugural EVE Awards ceremony

Petrofac's inaugural EVE Awards ceremony was held during the Group's 2011 Leadership Conference in Abu Dhabi on Wednesday 23 November

A total of 17 individuals and teams shortlisted within the categories of safe, ethical, innovative, cost-conscious and responsive to customers, attended the ceremony. Here we take a look at the winners and their achievements.


Frank Cairney
Offshore installation manager, Kittiwake, OPO

Following a review of the Kittiwake Safety Case, Frank recognised that the major accident hazard (MAH) information that was being distributed during safety meetings on the platform was failing to engage personnel. Working to the mantra that ‘knowledge enhances safety’, Frank used his spare time to redraft materials, simplify presentations, develop a themed safety initiative and created a workforce involvement group, all with the aim of raising and sustaining awareness of MAHs. The Health and Safety Executive regarded Frank’s efforts as being best in practice.

The judges felt that Frank had gone “way above the norm”, and noted that the benefit of the work he undertakes, goes beyond Petrofac.


Recycling project team
Cross discipline team, OPO and Group Design

OPO’s office services and communications teams, along with the support of the group design team, were responsible for introducing a recycling programme which reduced land-fill waste from Petrofac’s Bridge View office by more than 80%, and reduced annual costs by around £110,000. The recycling project team worked to transform the way in which rubbish is disposed of, by removing all bins from the building and creating a fixed recycling point within each department.

A range of communications materials were produced to engage employees and additional complementary recycling schemes have since been introduced.

The judges noted this initiative as best-in-practice and it is now being considered for other areas of the group, creating a new benchmark for recycling programmes.


Raj Tilak
Technical specialist, Engineering & Consulting Services

When the soil bearing capacity of the El-Merk site did not meet design criteria, Raj was responsible for identifying a suitable technical solution. Having researched all possible options, including relocating the site, Raj identified that a ground improvement measure known as dynamic compaction, would provide a sound, environmentally friendly resolution, and set about gaining buy-in from his customer and the relevant national regulatory bodies to use the technique. This was the first time Petrofac had used dynamic compaction. The technique has subsequently been used on the South Yoloten site.

The judges noted that dynamic compaction is not widely known within our industry and its use on this project was therefore thought to be forward thinking.


ADCO ASAB static E&P team
ADCO ASAB project, Engineering & Consulting Services

Following the award of the ASAB contract in 2009, this cross-departmental team worked to ensure that maximum cost savings were gained on fabricated equipment, whilst ensuring quality of engineering deliverables and mitigation of any risk. As a result of the team’s efforts, an estimated saving of over US$15 million was achieved.

The judges were impressed that the team had undertaken intensive vendor reviews and challenged conventional thinking in order to significantly reduce cost on the project.

Responsive to customers

Ebla Gas project task force team
Ebla Gas Plant project, Onshore E&C

The Ebla Gas project task force team took an integrated, team approach with their customer and subcontractors, in order to complete their project two months ahead of schedule, and having achieved 10 million man-hours without an LTI; winning great plaudits from their customer, Petro-Canada. The judges described this as a “model project”.

Special Commendation

Two EVE Award applications really stood out during the regional and central judging process. The judges felt that the commitment displayed by these applicants during exceptional circumstances was noteworthy, and given the nature of their achievements, took the decision to create this Special Commendation category. The following applicants won a Special Commendation Award:
Adel Badreddine
General manager,Kyrgyz Petroleum Company, IES

During the Kyrgyzstan revolution in 2010, rioting broke out and armed gangs destroyed and looted buildings throughout the region. Adel Badreddine, general manager of the KPC refinery in Jalalabad, arranged for expatriate staff to be evacuated, whilst he remained at the refinery with security personnel to ensure US$5.5 million worth of inventory and products were not stolen or destroyed.

Kerkennah Islands safety and security team

Chergui Gas Field, IES

The Kerkennah Islands safety and security team was responsible for managing safe operations during a period of civil unrest in Tunisia. As well as taking steps to manage the safety of personnel, the team worked to manage community relationships, and deliver and sustain production beyond expectation.
Congratulations also go to our very deserving EVE Awards finalists...


Ashish Nawade
Project engineering manager, Onshore E&C


PetroEvents team
Onshore E&C, Engineering & Consulting Services and Corporate Services

Team Marathon
Cross discipline team, Engineering & Consulting Services


Kauther project team
Kauther, Onshore E&C

Sajaa Asset production delivery team and Eclipse Petrotech
Sajaa Asset, OPO and Eclipse Petrotech


ADCO ASAB instrumentation team
ADCO ASAB project, Onshore E&C

Suresh Raman
Senior Designer, Engineering Services


Gillian Kimber
Project Engineer and Interface Manager, IES

Petrofac Romania, Ticleni PEC team
Ticleni, Production Solutions

Sajaa transition team
Sajaa Asset, OPO