Petrofac News 1700X397
25 June 2013

John Fleming Award 2012 presented to Woking employee Liesel Detemple

Congratulations to Liesel Detemple who was recently awarded the John Fleming Award for Excellence 2012.

Liesel, who works for our Engineering & Consulting Services (ECS) business and is normally based in Woking, has been working in Jakarta as Interface Co-ordinator for the Jangkrik Field Development FEED competition. She received the Award for the clarity of thought she brings to her projects as well as her willingness to adapt and deliver in challenging situations.   

The Award was created in honour of John Fleming, an experienced and knowledgeable Project Director who helped establish the Woking office in 2001 and played a pivotal role in its conception.  

The Award is presented to a promising ECS Woking employee with less than five years experience in their chosen field and is based on the following criteria:

  • commitment
  • enthusiasm
  • learning ability
  • productivity
  • flexibility
  • communication and personal skills

Previous winners include Elaine Da Costa (nee Donegan) in 2011; Tom Grant in 2010 and Matthew Croston in 2009.  

On receiving the Award Liesel said, “Those that knew John Fleming tell me that he was an inspirational character and I am very aware of the huge debt of gratitude we owe to him as one of the original founders of the Woking business. It means a great deal to me to have received this sign of appreciation of my efforts over the past year”.