28 March 2023
Decom North Sea Awards finalists
Our people have been recognised as finalists in the highly coveted Decom North Sea Awards 2023, in the 'Emerging Professional in Decommissioning' and 'Decom North Sea Photography' categories.
The awards celebrate innovation and success in the decommissioning sector.
Emerging Professional in Decommissioning
John-Paul Broughton (JP) (pictured below), Well Engineering Programme Lead, based in Houston was nominated by Angus Hunter, Wells Manager.
Angus said:
“Since joining Petrofac in 2018, John-Paul has delivered decommissioning for multiple subsea wells in the UK Southern North Sea and East Irish Sea. JP enthusiastically seized the opportunity to export his well decommissioning skills developed on UK projects to a US project, emigrating to Houston to lead on the decommissioning of hundreds of wells across multiple platforms in the US Gulf of Mexico (GoM).
As a highly motivated and talented rising star with recent detailed knowledge of well decommissioning planning and execution, JP was welcomed by the US team and is central to realising the project mandate of blending a globally assured approach to well decommissioning, acquired in the UK, to enhance local project delivery in the US GoM.”
Decom North Sea Photography
Stuart Nuttall, Operations Manager, based in Perth Australia, captured sunrise on the helideck of the Northern Endeavour FPSO (Floating Production, Storage and Offtake) vessel, which Petrofac operates on behalf of the Australian Government.
The 274-metre-long vessel is moored about 550 kilometers northwest of Darwin in the Timor Sea between Indonesia and Australia.

The Northern Endeavour
The striking image captures the essence of the landmark contract, which heralded the start of an era of decommissioning in Australia’s oil and gas sector.
Stuart said:
“The picture was taken to share the view and experience with onshore colleagues who had never been offshore before and family and friends out with the industry. The common perception is that the offshore environment is harsh, hostile and dangerous, however from experience of working offshore for a number of years I know there can also be some spectacular views.
It also seemed fitting that this was a new dawn of the final phase of the assets life and that within approximately 12 months of the pictures being taken the asset would be removed and the opportunity to see this view from this location would no longer be possible.”
Ross Provan, Global Decommissioning Director commented:
“It’s a fantastic accolade for Petrofac to be nominated in the Decom North Sea awards. We have picked up winner trophies for Excellence in Collaboration, Innovative Contracting Models, Rising Star, and Members Award over the past three years and I hope we can pick up a prize again this year. Best of luck to John-Paul and Stuart.”
The Decom North Sea Awards ceremony takes place on 16 May at Ardoe House in Aberdeen, UK.
Decom Week conference takes place 15 – 19 May in Aberdeen, UK. Our Project Manager – Decommissioning, Alistair Gilmour will be presenting on ‘Collaboration Through Innovation - Maximising Opportunity for Operators’ on 18 May.