28 August 2015
Berantai team in Malaysia exceeds 1 million man hours LTI-free
The Berantai field in offshore Peninsular Malaysia has surpassed the 1 million man hour mark of safe offshore operations without a Lost Time Injury (LTI).
The Berantai field came through the first Risk Service Contract signed in Malaysia with partners Sapura Kencana (known as Sapura & Kencana Petroleum separately before merging) in 2011. The field has operated for more than 961 days safely since hitting both first gas and first oil in late 2012 and early 2013, respectively. The total hours also include completion work done by contractors and vendors.
Hanif Hashim, Asset Manager for Berantai, congratulated the team responsible for achieving the milestone: “Safety is at the core of our values. Congratulations on the feat and I hope we continue this trend in the future.”